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Causes of Cystic Acne

accIn a few words, the cause of cystic acne is more breaks and re-encapsulation.

Let me explain …

Cystic acne begins as normal:

During oil production increased during puberty, sometimes a sebaceous follicle, which means that the follicle becomes soaked with dead skin cells as well as the surface of the skin. Scientists know why this happens, but they believe that increased levels of oil somewhat irritate the follicle.

If the top of the follicle, or “pores”, remains open, it becomes a black head, but if the top of the follicle closes, it becomes a whitehead. Because of the pressure inside the white, sometimes the follicle wall ruptures and releases its contents into the tissue, leading the body to initiate a response type of foreign body including swelling, pain and redness surrounding.

At this point in the process, I would still call it a zit “normal.” Whiteheads most notable include some level of swelling and redness, indicating that they had at least a break and re-encapsulation. If the process stops here, whitehead could become a papule farm for several days, but the immune system will soon liquefy the contents of the capsule, which facilitates the pop and heal.

Firstly, they tend to have acne that often breaks the surface deeper so that the contents spill into the skin or subcutaneous. The immune system is not able to liquefy foreign matter that skin deep because they are too far away to be pushed to the surface of the skin become toxic, so the immune system is slowly decomposing materials and foreign away via the bloodstream.

Second, they tend to have an immune response then. Once the follicle ruptures, the body tries to encapsulate the material. In most people, this process is successful, but in people with cystic acne, the body sends white blood cells too in the capsule of the cause of re-rupture. When this happens, the body will try to re-encapsulate the material. The process of breaking and re-encapsulating becomes a vicious cycle causing the zit grow larger and never heal.

At the risk of acne is primarily the result of hormones and genetics, which means that people with acne is not something to be done and should not be ashamed of their acne; This is particularly true where the body is cystic overly aggressive immune response is like an allergy.

If you want to know more about acne and need to look to a single source for genuine information for get rid of cystic  acne  visit this website now.

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