Discover solutions, recipes and tips for natural remedy against acne prone skin and leave skin healthy and aesthetically pleasing.

Acne is never a happy experience for adolescents who suffered from it. How much more when an adult is going through the same experience. The scenario may be that the person did not really take off his acne during their teenage years and it still suffers the same condition into adulthood. If you suffer from severe and you feel that your case is hopeless acne, it might be good for you to hear that there is a cure for severe acne. Although it may seem like the most difficult task of finding ways on how to control and prevent acne from spreading is best done with the help of a doctor.

Prescribed drug is a treatment for severe adult acne that might work for you. These drugs may be prescription strength or without a prescription. Benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid cream are two of the main common types of treatment for adults with severe acne. Birth control pills may also work for women with severe adult acne. This technique is effective if they still have their menstrual period. Oral medications prescribed by a doctor can also help to eliminate severe acne.

It has always been said to never break or popping pimples no matter how great the desire perhaps. This is done so that the spread of acne is avoided and no scar will appear. Antibiotics help eliminate severe acne too. For a time, retinoic was constantly used to treat severe acne, however, it faces problems of side effects acid.


Some types of skin have been very angry. Recently, another form of this acid was introduced to the market, which reduced the chances of severe irritation. Just remember that self-medication is never the answer to your severe adult acne. Visit the family doctor nearest in your area and discuss with him the possibility of treatment or dermatologist.


Cystic acne can be extremely painful and seem impossible to get rid of. Cysts can greatly inflate the different areas of your face, causing your face look like he has a severe anomaly. Cystic acne differs from regular acne, because it attacks not only the surface and under the layer of your skin, but also attacks the tissues within the skin. This can cause severe scarring and skin lesions. If your cystic acne is quite large and looks like nodules on your face, it’s time for you to consult a dermatologist to find the most effective treatment for your skin. Here are four possible treatments for your cystic acne:

1. The prescription antibiotics taken orally to attack cysts causing bacteria and inflammation in your body. Your doctor will discuss with you if this is the best treatment plan and the required dose.

2. Corticosteroid injections are another option on the fight against cystic acne. Steroids injected into the cysts are known to reduce swelling over time, anywhere from a few days to a few months depending on the severity of your cysts. By using this treatment minimizes the possibility of scarring as the cysts fall, dry and disappear after a short period of time. Your doctor may incorporate this treatment with an oral antibiotic if they wish.

3. Female oral contraceptives (the pill) is known to reduce cystic acne. This treatment will reduce the amount of sebum (oil) that is released at the surface of the skin, balancing hormone levels.

4. Accutane, or isotretinoin as prescribed by your doctor. Both drugs are quite powerful, powerful and should not be taken by prescription from your doctor and you should be monitored regularly if on each drug. There are extreme side effects, but can be done to treat cystic acne questions.

As noted above, none of these treatments should be prescribed by your doctor and what works for one patient may not work for another. Your doctor will decide which is best. Be patient in the quest for a healthy and clear skin. You made the right move, if you made an appointment to visit a dermatologist … in due time, you will have the best treatment to cure your cystic acne.


Main cause of acne

Acne appears in various areas such as acne on the back, chest, chin and forehead. To find the best treatment for your acne, you must first understand the causes of acne skin.


Causes of acne

Acne is caused by overactive of the sebaceous glands

. These glands normally produce small amounts of sebum. The excess oil is supposed to be expelled through the pores of the skin, but sometimes, pores can be blocked by hair follicles, dead skin, and other materials. These materials, combined with the excess sebum can block the pores of the skin and thus cause acne.

Here is a list of the main causes of acne. By identifying the causes of your acne, it will be easier to find a good treatment for acne.

Hormones: Androgens are hormones responsible for overactive sebaceous glands, thus there is a surplus of sebum. Hormonal acne affects girls and boys going through puberty as they undergo significant hormonal changes, increased androgen production, which makes them very susceptible to acne. We often end up with oily skin in the following case.

Diet: A fat diet and a diet high in sugar, fried foods and processed foods is conducive to acne.

Stress: Stress leads the body to produce certain hormones and increases the levels of harmful toxins in the body can increase the number of acne pimples.


Medications: Some medications that contain substances such as bromide, lithium, steroids … more easily develop pimples. Do not take drugs containing the same substances and treatment for acne.

Treating aggressive skin: Friction, cutaways, and any other rough handling of the skin will not cure acne, but worse.

Genes: Acne can be hereditary. A child whose parents have acne is more likely to be affected by acne.

Makeup: Some makeup, especially cosmetics based oil can clog pores and increase acne. Nowadays, there are beauty products that can treat acne.

Pill: The pill interferes with the body’s hormones. A person who takes or stops the pill may experience an acne problem.


For efficiency, the treatments against acne should be accompanied by simple actions to limit the proliferation of buttons.

To prevent acne and limited, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle: smoking, sun exposure and tanning beds are avoided.

It also monitors its power because we find that many teenagers prone to acne have a poor diet. Thus fled the sugars and processed foods that promote comedogenic and pushed instead for a focus on fruits and vegetables.

Anti Acne: beauty routine

Care side, washed his face morning and night with a gentle cleanser (mild soap surgras, micellar lotion).

Then apply a light daily moisturizer if possible formulated for acne-prone skin. Non-greasy, it will soothe the skin sometimes sorely tested by treatment with antibiotics. Scrubs that will strip the skin is avoided. We can nevertheless once a week to make a clay mask. Seboregulator, it degreases the skin and cleans buttons. Finally, we do not touch the buttons and prevents the drill under penalty of having scars.

If you want to hide pimples with makeup, we choose a suitable makeup for acne-prone skin. It should be “oil free”, that is to say, devoid of fat. Indeed they clog the pores, blackheads and promote bacterial growth.

You are concerned about these scars on your face? They can be of different types: injury, surgery, acne, burns…

Home Remedies

The scars on the face are often complex source. Here are some remedies to reduce the appearance. Although there are many medical procedures like dermabrasion to treat scars, small homemade recipes are always a good support for regular care:

Lemon juice:

Apply lemon juice directly on the areas to be treated, or rub half a lemon on your skin. The citric acid present in the fruit helps the skin to regenerate and cleanses the pores effectively.


Tomato juice has substantially the same effect as lemon juice because of its slight acidity with excellent astringent property.

Almond oil:

Massage your skin with almond oil is very effective to regenerate the skin and remove scars.

Fenugreek seeds:

These seeds are present in natural pharmacopoeia and treat many ailments (this plant is also called fenugreek ). Infuse some seeds in 750 ml of boiling water and let the solution cool, then use it to wash your face and other affected areas. Repeat this procedure once a week.


paste of sandalwood is one of the most effective products against scars. Dip the sandalwood powder in water for overnight, then apply it on the scar and let it dry a few minutes. Rinse, then with cold water. Cucumber: the extract is effective for reducing scars or dark with hyperpigmentation.


Crush a peeled banana first and then apply this paste on the scar. Let 7 minutes then rinse with cold water.

treatment natural

Acne can be very problematic and make you feel like you are hideous looking. It can take a toll on your self esteem and make you feel like you’re not as good as everyone. Once you clear up acne can imagine the results you’ll see? There are some tips that can help clarify your face if you just take the time to give it a try.

The first home remedy is to use tea tree oil on problem areas. This is the natural oil that has been proven to be very successful in treating acne. The product itself is very inexpensive and anyone can use it. This product is much better than all these topical creams that are out there and a lot cheaper. This oil is safe for anyone to use and will not cause reactions to anyone that is perfect for people with sensitive skin.

Eating healthier foods also help fight against acne breakouts. If you eat foods that have a lot of fat and unhealthy are just so you can expect that your skin will have a reaction to all of these oils. If you can change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables then you will be filling your body with nutrients that help improve your immune system and detoxify your body. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals that help future workshops. If you are looking for an antibiotic and ginger and garlic can help kill the bacteria that cause acne. Once you have a healthy immune system, then your body will get rid of the bacteria on its own and prevent acne.

You must wash your face no more than three times a day with a cleanser that suits your skin type. Avoid stress because when you do it causes a reaction between acne and stress. Once you are stressed your immune system is weak and hormones become unbalanced. If you are depressed or stressed then acne will only get worse, so try to relax and calm down. The only thing to remember is that whatever the situation seems bad to some point in time the acne will disappear. Nothing can stay with you forever.

Without Acne scars

The unsightly acne pimples already obnoxious … As for the permanent scars that can result, they are much worse. Good news: they are not inevitable! Follow our tips for clear skin.

Acne, this annoying manifestation of puberty, affects about 80% of teenagers. For 20% of them, it is moderate to severe, requiring therefore a medical care … and is a daily ordeal.

Fortunately, solutions are used to prevent scars betray a lifetime pimply old.

Acne treatment

The solution against scarring is quite simple: take acne as soon as possible in charge that is to say from the first pimples or blackheads.

This is particularly important in the case of inflammatory acne that can be recognized by the appearance of red spots with white head. Indeed, this form causes more scars that acne is called retentive rather characterized by blackheads and micro cysts (small white balls under the skin). Note that these two forms may nevertheless be present at the same time.

In both cases the solution is the same: a visit to the dermatologist. “There is a medication applied directly to the skin which is already effective after 15 days treatment.”

Skin care

Apart from treatment, it is of course necessary to give your skin a treatment. And it starts with simplicity.

Indeed, masks and scrubs irritate the skin and increase the risk of buttons. Similarly, girls who often change cosmetics tend to have more pronounced acne.

If you have acne-prone skin, so it is better to do as little as possible:

Morning, a non-comedogenic moisturizer and possibly a makeup suitable for skin “problem”;

The evening, a cleaner (gel, cream or washing bread texture does not matter) with a pH identical to that of the skin;

Once your skin all clean, apply the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Pimples: have patch reflex

In addition to this overall approach, it is possible to directly combat the buttons to go faster and with them the urge to interfere.

So, go for the anti-buttons patches! Glued to the injury, they are quick drying thanks to their active ingredients (usually salicylic acid).

They have also a lot of advantages:

They act quickly;

As their action is much localized, you are not likely to attack your skin and thus encourage the formation of pimples elsewhere;

They remain in place for several hours and you will discourage drilling your buttons…

Acne lotion


Forms the skin is the most important part of our body to be supported religiously on a daily basis to make it look young, healthy and young, but there are several skin conditions that can occur. The acne is a medical condition involving too much trouble and the state of stress for people with particularly severe forms of acne such as cystic acne. There are several drugs available in the market in various forms such as cream, lotions and gels. These can be applied topically on the affected or can be consumed orally area.

Some common products to treat acne are Zenmed Derma Cleanse System, Acnezine treatment Dermapure RX Advanced Formula Acne, Vilantae ClearSkin acne gel, Actimine, ClearSkin Facewash, Zeno Acne Clearing Device and Clinique Acne Solutions emergency Gel lotion, Refresh acne PhytoMe Nutrition Proactiv, Neutrogena, DermaClear, Accutane and Clearogen. Most drugs are available in the form of a cream that can be applied to any area that is affected instead of spot treatment. However, there are several lotions against acne are also available as a camphor lotion. The ingredients are camphor lotion demineralized spring water, isopropyl, camphor, citric acid, color, and D & C Green 5.

The lotion can be mixed with three parts water and then gently applied to the affected area to show the effectiveness. It should not be rubbed against the skin. The use of the lotion with water serves as a replacement for water and can be included in the daily cleaning routine as he fights the excess oil condition, and refreshes the skin. The lotion also restores the acid balance of the skin after using cleanser. This is after using cleaning products, the acid balance of the skin tends to be disturbed. Thus, instead of using plain water, if it is mixed with lotion, then it will help. Camphor Lotion is the best astringent for blemished skin also stimulates circulation and brings benefits anti bacterial response.

Lotions against acne are very useful in the fight against acne and can be applied with a Q-tip on the area where acne breakouts are seen. They should be used after cleaning all morning and evening. Apply with hands or moistened cotton, and pat on the face. The most important thing to take care lotions is the direction of use. It should be used thereafter every way. Outside camphor lotion, there are other lotions like a dermatologist lotion.

The cost can vary for the dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients. As we know that certain medications and ingredients are much more expensive than others. There are so many lotions available in the market under different brands with different ingredients and constituents, all claiming to be the best. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or skin specialist to know the type of skin you have and the requirements that are necessary to keep it healthy and glowing. Acne lotion may be used as part of a daily diet by mixing water and use, it not only specifically as a drug to be applied daily.

Here are some tips that help you to get rid of acne naturally:

1. Wash your face morning and evening.

The morning to wake up your skin

The evening to get rid of all impurities (excess sebum, sweat, dust, pollution …). In fact, it is they who are the cause of black or pimples, and inflammant by plugging the pores of the skin.


The idea is to use a gel, a dermatological bread (kind of soap), milk (top for sensitive skin), or makeup removal foam

2. Gomme your skin once a week.


The goal: eliminate dead cells, unclog blocked pores and refresh gray and dull complexions.


– Moisturizes your skin

– Removal of a walnut micro product on the forehead, chin and cheekbones

– Make lather with gentle circular massage

– Avoiding the eye area is very fragile!

– Rinse with warm water, then cool water to tone and tighten the pores of your skin.

Good to know: just after exfoliation, the skin is twice more receptive to creams, masks, toners etc…

3. Make a mask.


The mask is applied to dry or wet skin.

There’s something for everyone: scrub, made of clay or kaolin for oily or combination skins etc …


4. Apply a moisturizer.

Warning, not any! Prefers moisturizers for skin problems. Their formula is light, non-greasy.

Icing on the cake: some of them have mattifying properties are tinted with pigments etc…

5. Optional:


– Tonic: it is used after cleansing gel or natural cleansers; it refreshes the skin and removes the last traces of product.

– The matting solution

– The night cream, this treats the skin deeply and prevents the appearance of imperfections.

– Dietary supplements for skin with imperfections

Acne during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of great change for women, both in the physical, aesthetic as mood.

Some are faced with an acne problem while others do not. For the most severe forms, it is best to check for adequate treatment benefit. Follow our tips to curb the effects of acne during pregnancy.

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Acne: common problem among pregnant women

Although all pregnant women do not have the same problems, some are faced with acne during the pregnancy buttons.

This is not easy to manage because the fact of being pregnant is integrating several factors involved in the occurrence of these buttons.

At this time, hormone levels are disrupted, promoting hypersecretion of sebum in the sebaceous glands and retention.

The acne problem wills primarily aesthetic result, as it does not threaten the course of pregnancy. Some women may suffer and become isolated or depressed or have interpersonal difficulties.

Tips for relieving acne during pregnancy


● Clean your skin daily and regularly with a cleaning solution, because it will eliminate excess sebum responsible for the appearance of pimples. Avoid using soap or shower gel and you can also use absorbent pads.


● Moisturize your skin using products made ​​for this and drinking plenty of water. This helps to clean the pores.


● Pace buttons gently cleaning your skin and do not rub. It may spread bacteria to other parts of the body.


● Rely on natural products containing tea tree oil, the Aloe Vera gel or peppermint. Avoid products containing benzoyl peroxide.


● Eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables to enjoy the benefits of vitamins.


● Do physical exercises for pregnant women in order to promote blood circulation to the skin.


● Enjoy your pregnancy serenely, without stress, despite the presence of acne.

Some acne treatments worse in pregnant women


Acne during pregnancy is not a problem to be taken lightly. Even though it has no effect on his health, it is best to follow some rules of healthy living for relief. Sometimes it can actually get worse.


In this case, it is best to consult a doctor or a specialist in dermatology to enjoy adequate treatment against acne.


Only the doctor can know the right drugs, because you should know that many anti-acne products are cons-indicated in pregnant women.


Some examples of anti-acne products that can be used during the period of gestation are: zinc, tetracycline, accutane and retinaldehyde with vitamin A.


Benzoyl peroxide can be used, but with caution. Antibiotics such as erythromycin are used orally or locally.